Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Toronto is Great by Our Own Efforts

Allan Levine claims that Toronto "does not quite measure up to the truly great cities of the world like London, Paris and Rome." (Hogtown's badass side, National Post October 2, 2012).

Each of these cities was once the capital of an empire. They had colonies to exploit. The magnificent vistas, monuments, galleries and museums we see today in many European cities were paid for by their colonies, one of which was Canada.

Toronto, in contrast to the "truly great cities of the world" has always paid its own way. Everything we see and enjoy in our city today we bought and paid for by our own efforts.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say you have a great site and thanks for posting!…

Raymond Peringer said...

Thank you. I sometimes feel like the shipwrecked fellow casting that bottle into the sea. He can only hope that someone will read the message inside the bottle. Your comment is most appreciated.

Raymond Peringer said...

I appreciate you positive comment.

Raymond Peringer said...

Thank you, and I hope you will keep up the comments, even contrary opinion is welcome.